FREE PowerPoint Download and YouTube How-To-Present Video “If it's wet and not yours, don't touch it!” - Nurse Kevin We all love free stuff! Well, it depends on what free stuff we're talking about. I'm sure there's been a bit of free COVID passed out over the past few months. And, very soon, folks will be passing out free samples of influenza. Even
Day-to-day ramblings of a school nurse.
Nurse Kevin Rides For Children’s Cancer Research
“Never underestimate an old man on a gravel bike.” - Nurse Kevin As the world argues the facts and fictions of COVID-19, the American Cancer Society estimates that over 11,000 children in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer in 2020. I venture to say there will be LESS. Less? Why less? Read on... We’re Riding to Help Fight Childhood Cancer As
Back to School 2020-2021??
“This would be a great job...if there were no kids or their parents.” – Nurse Kevin Well, that used to be a joke I would say. But, I have to be honest, now I am saying, “This would be a great job...if there WERE kids and parents.” Our first day of school is today...for us contracted staff. Children were supposed to
COVID-19 Will Change School Nursing – Article 2 of 2
The other day I did a poll on the Go See The Nurse Facebook Page. I asked the question, “What are you doing while the kids are "home schooling?" Two choices were presented as pictures: a school house and a private home. I was both shocked and...well...not shocked at the same time. 94% of those school nurses who responded were
COVID-19 Will Change School Nursing – Article 1 of 2
What Is Going On ‘Round Here! Remember back in the fall and early winter when everyone was gearing up for the flu season? I sure do (for more reasons than one). And now...nothing. As a matter of fact, I have not heard one IOTA about the flu, pertussis, measles or anything else other than COVID-19. The Facebook posts and news and
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) – Eight Points to Remember
Here we are. Safe-and-sound doing our day-to-days; work, home, dinner, sleep, and up the next morning to do it all over again. Work is okay. School is okay. And, life is okay. We worry about this and that. We contemplate debt, mortgages, jobs, friends, family and what’s for dinner. Our Facebook feed parallels a life that, for the most part,
A Kid With A Rash Walks Into Your Office…
Right now you’re likely your mind...that child who walked into your office last school year with a “what-is-that” kind of rash. You know—that itchy, burn-ey, bumpy, scaly, red rash that causes you to pause and wonder, “What the heck did this child get into?!” And summer time is rash season! “But summer’s over, Nurse Kevin.” You’re right and wrong. All
6 Tips for the School Nurse to get the most out of SUMMER!
Next seems silly to be thinking about next school year here at the end of this school year. We have 3 days until we...well...until we don’t have to show up to the schoolhouses each morning. On the flip side, we have 70 days until we certified staff start a brand-new school year. But who’s counting, right? This article will be
Motivating Children to Wash Their Hands — Even When No One Is Watching
Hand washing...really?? Do we really need to talk about handwashing and the importance of handwashing and blah, blah, blah? I don’t know about your nursing school, but way back in 1996, the first return demonstration we ever had to perform as student nurses was handwashing. So, why is this school nurse talking to other awesome school nurses about handwashing? Y’all
Motivating The Unmotivated Type 1 Diabetic
How to Eat an Elephant? One bite at a time, right? How do you suffer from type 1 diabetes? One cell at a time. Unmanaged type 1 diabetes is like taking a penny nail and small tack hammer to a brick wall; it may take some time, but eventually, the wall will fall. According to the reports of Journal of American