School Nurse Guide to Measles – Rubeola

(MEE-zills) “Nurse Kevin, we don’t believe in immunizations; we feel that we should allow our child’s own immune system to get strong.” There are many, many different objections parents give me about immunizations, but this one was...well...I had never heard one like this before. Truth be known, why don’t we just ask our children to lick the inside rim of a

Hepatitis A Outbreak – To Immunize or Not to Immunize

Deadly Hepatitis A Outbreak Immunize Not Immunize

State Of Emergency Over Deadly Hepatitis A Outbreak "California declared a state of emergency Friday (October 13th, 2017) after a deadly Hepatitis A outbreak has spread faster than the state’s ability to supply the vaccine that can ward off the disease." says Jack Davis over at A “state of emergency” says it all; in the entire year of 2015 there