School Nurse Christmas Break Survival Guide

School Nurse Christmas Break Survival Guide, school nurse, nurse, Christmas, winter break, Christmas break, holiday break, new years, school break, holiday

Remember the old days? I remember...oh how I remember. My boss, God loves her, would set out a “holiday dream list” in late September. She would list Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day as “dreamed”-for holiday days to take off. “Number the most important to the least, and I will try to give you

School Nurse News – Volume 3 – Monday, December 17, 2018

go see the nurse,, school nurse, nursing news, nurse, news

More than 50 kids sick with the flu at one elementary school [LINK] “The school's nurse, Christy Mason, told Pozen that the spread of the virus hasn't slowed since the end of October....Fifty-four sounds like a lot, but you have to also look at the student population...When you look at it compared to the enrollment, it is not really considered a

School Nurse Guide to the Flu (Influenza)

school nurse flu infuenza

We all love free stuff. However, there should be an asterisk by the word “stuff.” It should look something like this: “We all love free stuff*.” The “*” clarification should be, “Unless it’s chewed bubble gum, unpopped popcorn kernels, or the flu.” Needless to say, there are many, many, MANY folks who will receive their very own FREE version of

Pediculicide / Lice Shampoo – RID vs NIX

This article has many parts that include the official Nurse Kevin Lice Battle Plan and All About Head Lice. You can read this article and the complete series of articles on Nurse Kevin's website: "As far as lice shampoo, usually suggest NIX as the go-to product. But, you’ll likely have just as much killing-power with RID as you do with

School Nurse News – Volume 2 – Friday, December 7, 2018

What a high school nurse wants you to know about vaping (LINK) "Vaping is more popular than ever, and now some say students are using vape pens to smoke pot." We school nurses are aware of vaping...and also juuling (and e-cigarette use in general). I don't understand why anyone would want to use these products but...then again...I have my own "likes" just

School Nurse Guide to Chickenpox

Y’all ever get a call from a mamma, “I’m keeping Little Kyle home because he has the chickenpox?” I love those calls. No, actually that was a lie; I don’t like those calls. The first thing I do is wonder, who in that classroom is not vaccinated...then...who in my school is not vaccinated. I actually know this information and can

School Nurse News – Volume 1 – Friday, November 30, 2018

Being a school nurse is pretty newsworthy. Heck! Being a nurse is pretty newsworthy. I remember when I was a hospice nurse I would try to remember to remove my name badge when I went into stores like grocery stores. The checker would notice. “Oh, you are a hospice nurse. God’s got a place for you in heaven. You are such

School Nurse’s Guide to the Why Questions: 6 Reasons Why Folks Ask Why

school nurse guide to the why question

Why do people ask the “why question?” See, right there...I am asking y’all “why” folks ask “why.” This is a simple concept, and I know y’all will get the ah-ha moment very soon...and...knowing how smart y’all are (all school nurses are super-duper smart), y’all probably have gotten it already, but want to keep reading just to see how many times

Scoliosis: In-School Screening or Not

Scoliosis Screening School

My school district has some of school nursing’s best-of-the-best-of-the-best school nurses. Ain’t none of them ever punched me in my nose, and ain’t none of them called me “male nurse”...too often. The other day, during our meeting, we talked about a lot of things (which is what folks usually do during a meeting). One topic was the district’s policies and

11 Qualities of an Awesome School Nurse

Qualities Awesome School Nurse

11 Qualities of an Awesome School Nurse - Nurses are great folks. And I ain't just saying that because I'm a nurse; I have worked with hundreds of nurses in four different states and in five different “genres” of nursing. We nurses are pretty awesome folks. Sure we are! We can have our fingers tangled up to the third knuckle