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School Nurse News – Volume 4 – Tuesday, January 15, 2018

Los Angeles Teachers Union Says Strike All But Certain to Begin Next Week. [LINK]

“The Los Angeles Times reports that Friday meetings between district officials and teachers union negotiators ended with no deal after the union rejected the city’s most recent offer, which would have decreased class sizes and provided an in-school nurse at every Los Angeles-area elementary school.”

We school nurse’s are becoming more and more important; now we fit into union / district deals as bargaining chips. And, I think that’s a GOOD thing. I don’t know much about what’s going on there with our Los Angeles’ fellow educators…we’ll see what happens…

Former Oxford Teacher Accused Of Not Reporting Sex Abuse [LINK]

“A former Oxford High School teacher has been arrested for allegedly failing to report suspected child abuse at the school. Jeffrey Giovacchino, 48, of Edmonds Road in Oxford, was charged with failure to report child abuse.”

This article leaves a lot of questions. But, not taking anything for granted, thank goodness for that school nurse. We all are mandated reporters…school nurses, social workers, counselors, teachers and the like. And, it’s not just the school nurse’s duty to call. The call should come from the one the child confided in (my opinion).

Mandated Reporters [LINK]

Approaching Peak Flu Season [LINK]

“According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the 2018-2019 flu season began on Oct. 1 and will run through May 19. Flu activity has increased in all state regions.”

It seems to us here in Idaho that the flu is “less active” than in previous years…bad…but not as bad as some years. Well…unless you get the flu, then it’s a BAD YEAR, right?

These School Districts Tried To Arm Coaches. It’s Harder Than It Sounds. [LINK]

“…hire and train more than two dozen new employees to carry firearms on school campuses and protect students in the event of a school shooter.”

This is a touchy subject. I had thought at one point that willing educators could go through training to become a reserve deputy sheriff. The problem is perception. What I mean is: the armed, deputy / teacher may have their “teacher hat” on during parent/teacher conferences but some parents may “see” that “hat” as being the law enforcement “hat.” Some parents, with a “history” in developing relationships with police officers under less-than-legal-situations (if you know what I mean).

I don’t know the answer to this question. I do know that we keeping asking the question. There are answers but none are going to be a perfect answer. Needless to say, we do need to stop asking this question and at least try an answer.

There are two things that are “fantabulous” about being a nurse: Being on the south side of a northbound needle AND getting non-spammy updates from Nurse Kevin

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That’s all for this week. Any news going on that you’d like me to mention? Stay out of the limelight and stay in the hearts of those young-uns.

Nurse Kevin

Nurse Kevin
Nurse Kevin is a school nurse who takes care of school children in Southwestern Idaho. Nurse Kevin authors content for many different websites including,,,,,

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