FREE PowerPoint Download and YouTube How-To-Present Video “If it's wet and not yours, don't touch it!” - Nurse Kevin We all love free stuff! Well, it depends on what free stuff we're talking about. I'm sure there's been a bit of free COVID passed out over the past few months. And, very soon, folks will be passing out free samples of influenza. Even
What’s going on in the world of school nursing?
Back to School 2020-2021??
“This would be a great job...if there were no kids or their parents.” – Nurse Kevin Well, that used to be a joke I would say. But, I have to be honest, now I am saying, “This would be a great job...if there WERE kids and parents.” Our first day of school is today...for us contracted staff. Children were supposed to
COVID-19 Will Change School Nursing – Article 2 of 2
The other day I did a poll on the Go See The Nurse Facebook Page. I asked the question, “What are you doing while the kids are "home schooling?" Two choices were presented as pictures: a school house and a private home. I was both shocked and...well...not shocked at the same time. 94% of those school nurses who responded were
COVID-19 Will Change School Nursing – Article 1 of 2
What Is Going On ‘Round Here! Remember back in the fall and early winter when everyone was gearing up for the flu season? I sure do (for more reasons than one). And now...nothing. As a matter of fact, I have not heard one IOTA about the flu, pertussis, measles or anything else other than COVID-19. The Facebook posts and news and
A School Nurse’s Guide to Surviving the “Fear” of the Coronavirus
Folks Have Lost Their Minds No, this is not a guide to keeping the Corona virus out of your school. We already have that guide: Step 1) Wash Your Hands Step 2) Don’t Touch Your FaceStep 3) Stay home if you feel sick Yes, yes, there is more to it than just that. However, the truth of the matter is that folks usually fail
School Nurse News – Volume 4 – Tuesday, January 15, 2018
Los Angeles Teachers Union Says Strike All But Certain to Begin Next Week. [LINK] “The Los Angeles Times reports that Friday meetings between district officials and teachers union negotiators ended with no deal after the union rejected the city's most recent offer, which would have decreased class sizes and provided an in-school nurse at every Los Angeles-area elementary school.” We school nurse's
School Nurse News – Volume 3 – Monday, December 17, 2018
More than 50 kids sick with the flu at one elementary school [LINK] “The school's nurse, Christy Mason, told Pozen that the spread of the virus hasn't slowed since the end of October....Fifty-four sounds like a lot, but you have to also look at the student population...When you look at it compared to the enrollment, it is not really considered a
School Nurse News – Volume 2 – Friday, December 7, 2018
What a high school nurse wants you to know about vaping (LINK) "Vaping is more popular than ever, and now some say students are using vape pens to smoke pot." We school nurses are aware of vaping...and also juuling (and e-cigarette use in general). I don't understand why anyone would want to use these products but...then again...I have my own "likes" just
School Nurse News – Volume 1 – Friday, November 30, 2018
Being a school nurse is pretty newsworthy. Heck! Being a nurse is pretty newsworthy. I remember when I was a hospice nurse I would try to remember to remove my name badge when I went into stores like grocery stores. The checker would notice. “Oh, you are a hospice nurse. God’s got a place for you in heaven. You are such
School Nurse Guide to Air Quality Index (AQI)
The AQI, or the Air Quality Index, is a measuring “tool” to determine how healthy (or unhealthy) the air is outside. This is not only for the respiratory-compromised. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) uses this simplified Air Quality Index or AQI to help report the air quality in a format that even we school nurses can understand. It gives us